Frutos Entretejidos

Es una serie fotográfica creada íntegramente con inteligencia artificial que explora la fusión entre la naturaleza y el arte textil. En esta colección, los frutos y vegetales adquieren una nueva dimensión al ser cubiertos por delicadas tramas de ganchillo, creando una interacción única entre sus texturas naturales y las líneas entrelazadas de hilo. Cada pieza se transforma en una obra de arte única, donde lo orgánico y lo artesanal se funden en perfecta armonía.

La serie invita al espectador a reflexionar sobre el diálogo entre lo real y lo creado, destacando un hiperrealismo que solo la IA puede alcanzar. Las redes tejidas no solo envuelven las formas naturales, sino que las transforman en cuerpos nuevos, llenos de significado y poesía visual.

Frutos Entretejidos es un experimento visual que cataloga estas piezas como una expresión inédita, una conexión simbólica entre lo que crece y lo que se crea, cuestionando los límites entre naturaleza, diseño y tecnología.

Serie premiada en los New York Photo Silver Awards 2024 

Entwined Fruits is a photographic series created entirely with artificial intelligence, exploring the fusion between nature and textile art. In this collection, fruits and vegetables take on a new dimension as they are covered by delicate crochet patterns, creating a unique interaction between their natural textures and the interwoven threads. Each piece transforms into a one-of-a-kind work of art, where the organic and the handcrafted blend in perfect harmony.

The series invites viewers to reflect on the dialogue between the real and the created, highlighting a hyperrealism achievable only through AI. The woven patterns not only envelop the natural forms but also transform them into new bodies, full of meaning and visual poetry.

Entwined Fruits is a visual experiment that catalogs these pieces as an unprecedented expression, a symbolic connection between what grows and what is crafted, questioning the boundaries between nature, design, and technology. 

Series awarded at the New York Photo Silver Awards 2024

hassel0249 95020 a raw lemon that visually has its a real and c 7f6dc90b 6801 4ba3 8dad 697321d1b41f 1
hassel0249 95020 a raw leek that visually has its a real and co 670c7859 2ec6 4c22 8ff8 f4b3bbfa0de1
nandoesteva1979 a raw dark fig fruit that visually has general 4740e695 484f 4bce a264 87089748401a
nandoesvteva1979 a raw dark chard that visually has general skin 6fa728d8 23ea 495b 9a40 fc8a2ffc0e02
nandoesteva1979 a raw dark carrot that visually has general ski fe402fed 3182 4e27 94a0 beb363f020b4
nandoesteva1979 a ravw dark bunch of grapes that visually has ge fce82486 06e8 44bf 9e47 4ba97616e75d
hassel0249 95020 a raw black carrot that visually has its a rea c057068e fb32 483a a93c 7bae678abad1 topaz upscale 4x
hassel0249 95020 A very dark black raw radish chard that visual e55c8c02 fb2a 4b8b b868 91d5faa805d3
hassel0249 95020 a raw pear whose skin likes crochet technic aw 076ddf48 f16e 4746 b118 0783fd871a1d topaz upscale 4x
hassel0249 95020 a raw pineaple that visually has general skin 3951b27d 40da 47f5 8269 bf39a54c2357
hassel0249 95020 a raw leek with orchard land that visually has 015db8f3 53f4 4953 8463 30166dc830da
hassel0249 95020 a raw peach that visually has skin created wit 41ff0ef6 bf3d 43cf 83da 7d76ff3a248e
hassel0249 95020 a raw parsnip that visually has its a real and bf54a0c7 0554 4882 9acf a17eb078d8c1
hassel0249 95020 a raw garlic that visually has its a real and 30a0a57a 588e 4aba 99b6 32d47f482fc1
hassel0249 95020 a raw dark red chilly that visually has genera 7799cf5d 5e72 4ad3 819b 46b234ddba2b topaz upscale 4x
hassel0249 95020 a raw tomato that visually has general skin cr 8ef7edac dc7a 42c8 8a63 4c4278c58a8a topaz upscale 4x
hassel0249 95020 a raw sweet potato whose skin likes crochet te 54ef6d12 58d7 4454 b187 00ba84aa8db1 topaz upscale 2x
hassel0249 95020 a raw beet that visually has its skin created 1623665f bde7 42ab 9f35 5243262fc3e6 topaz upscale 4x
hassel0249 95020 a raw avocado that visually has its a real ski d01c6dce 13e3 49e9 932d db57ca8da060 topaz upscale 4x
hassel0249 95020 a raw a realistic green pepper that visually h 498cd02e ae9e 4925 8e42 a3c056a0f73f topaz upscale 4x
hassel0249 95020 a raw eggplant that visually has its a real an b4814bed 846d 4fdd aad8 dbc7c97e0879
hassel0249 95020 a raw black painted carrot that visually has i cb768845 9886 4ee8 81cb 6d5e707924f4 topaz upscale 4x
hassel0249 95020 a raw peach that visually has skin created wit 63b01690 3d53 4010 a61d 2cfd1269502f
hassel0249 95020 a raw onion that visually has its a real and c f5bc5208 025d 4e29 a480 887288151900
hassel0249 95020 a raw broccoli white color that visually has g aa15c18f dbd1 4f8e bdf3 584004b97dd9
nandoestevfa1979 a raw dark Durian fruit that visually has gener 414325b9 0b8c 4be1 bf62 aa500e1953c2
hassel0249 95020 a raw onion that visually has its a real and c c2a7d2fb 0421 4c7b b027 96fd3ae0feae