The Harvest

The Harvest es una serie fotográfica creada íntegramente con inteligencia artificial que explora la esencia orgánica y natural de los productos de la tierra. Inspirada en los ciclos de la cosecha, cada imagen captura ingredientes como ajos y setas en composiciones etéreas, donde sus formas y texturas parecen cobrar vida en un espacio suspendido entre la realidad y la imaginación.

Con una estética minimalista y delicada, estas piezas trascienden su funcionalidad cotidiana para convertirse en obras de arte que destacan la perfección de lo natural. La interacción entre luces suaves, sombras profundas y detalles hiperrealistas crea una narrativa visual que invita al espectador a contemplar la conexión entre la tierra y sus frutos desde una perspectiva poética.

Serie premiada en los New York Photo Silver Awards 2024.

The Harvest is a photographic series created entirely with artificial intelligence that explores the organic and natural essence of the earth’s produce. Inspired by the cycles of the harvest, each image captures ingredients such as garlic and mushrooms in ethereal compositions, where their forms and textures seem to come alive in a space suspended between reality and imagination.

With a minimalist and delicate aesthetic, these pieces transcend their everyday functionality to become works of art that highlight the perfection of the natural world. The interplay of soft light, deep shadows, and hyper-realistic details creates a visual narrative that invites the viewer to contemplate the connection between the earth and its fruits from a poetic perspective.

Series awarded at the New York Photo Silver Awards 2024.

nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.run29MhKKf814I httpss.mj.runZbL2Vqd f5956ce3 01af 4ddf a90e 77c08ebcd8a6 0 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.runaWq2Ftfd8Bg Hyper realistic cine 0c8fddd8 9d5d 4639 b2cd f2265d9447db 0 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.runejgAxYXz1RQ ZhiwyD 14fc9ae3 f585 49fd a712 f57a0b2799de 1 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 Hyper realistic cinematic studio photograph f 210fb4c3 67a0 4835 9c29 316b3a9e96fd 1 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.runaWq2Ftfd8Bg Hyper realistic cine a2c1eb8b d13b 4db9 9558 0aad68311f1e 2 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 Hyper realistic cinematic studio photograph f b086daf2 2878 4727 8333 99bfbb0a3a7f 0 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 Hyper realistic cinematic studio photograph f 210fb4c3 67a0 4835 9c29 316b3a9e96fd 2 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.runwHyOXu h4p8 Hyper realistic cine f455362b 5861 4c09 a471 222e09cebb97 1 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.runZAWt51jeawI Hyper realistic cine 9a891ada 5198 4c7a b49a a8ff3da1aa2c 0 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.runZAWt51jeawI Hyper realistic cine 799de5f0 c658 408e a3a5 fa5a524ba502 3 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.runCg4wkjZWIcc httpss.mj.run5hmR3rI 548099c9 92db 494d b16a b85f29cdfb5f 3 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.runZAWt51jeawI Hyper realistic cine 8313e364 9d94 4694 bee5 67dc9c2401d1 1 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.runZAWt51jeawI Hyper realistic cine ac697b5e 0429 4797 90db 6cce74510f42 1 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.run0 OZLKXYX6I httpss.mj.runhQa8IfV af88a396 9e56 4ef7 b63d 4eff38fd8aea 3 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 httpss.mj.runZFzuGj9unUg Hyper realistic cine f99b9e2c 4a3a 40cd bc1b 2f9d46812582 1 topaz upscale 6x
nandoesteva1979 Hyper realistic cinematic studio photograph f 339bba6e 2ec4 4e42 8244 0ad6672f0ff2 2 topaz upscale 6x